Do you feel like there’s more to health than your diagnosis?

For centuries, Chinese Medicine has offered a different lens to view health; one that doesn’t define each individual by their diagnosis, but instead focuses on uncovering the root cause of the imbalance and restoring harmony within the body. I strongly believe, and have seen firsthand, how tapping into the body's innate wisdom is the most effective way to heal. 

Imagine your body as a complex instrument and each string is called a “meridian”. These meridians act as major pathways within each and every one of us, and help to attune our body. Whether you’re dealing with acute pain, organ-level issues, emotional trauma, or complex chronic illness, the meridians - effectively tuned - will work together to resolve the issues you face. Due to our modern lifestyles, many of us are out of tune. Modern medicine often focuses on isolating individual notes, rather than understanding the entire composition. Acupuncture offers a different approach. By listening intently to the body, I am given a roadmap, which I can then use to illuminate the issue and assist you in returning to balance.

This “roadmap” is all contained within your pulse, which reveals patterns that conventional methods may miss. In this way, acupuncture offers a new direction with the same destination. When we start your treatment and I take your pulse, a conversation between your body and me begins, a dialogue that leads to a deeper understanding of what your particular needs are.

Acupuncture isn't just about sticking needles in someone and telling them to rest and be still for an extended length of time. It’s a profound art and science that has been refined over millennia by scholars of ancient texts. Unfortunately, in the rush to modernize acupuncture, many of the deeper aspects have been lost in favor of standardization. My goal is to introduce anyone - even those who are experienced with acupuncture - to a more ancient style of acupuncture; one that offers a new roadmap.

I believe in a holistic approach that uses the information being offered by the patient’s body in order to heal the root cause of their ailments. My intention is not to simply ease symptoms for a short time, requiring a patient to return indefinitely, but rather facilitate a permanent change that moves them in a new direction. By exploring lesser-known acupuncture techniques and utilizing complementary meridians, I can effectively address the root cause of your imbalance. Your pulse allows us to uncover hidden layers of a complex puzzle, revealing a clearer picture of your pathway to health.

By combining ancient wisdom with a modern perspective, acupuncture can help you unlock your innate healing potential. When we treat the whole person—body, mind, and spirit— true transformation becomes possible. Just as a skilled musician tunes an instrument by listening to the instrument itself, acupuncture helps to harmonize your body's systems by listening to the pulse. After listening in, specific points are stimulated using small, stainless steel needles, which conduct this energy. This stimulation can help to unblock stagnant energy, improve circulation, and restore balance to the body. These factors work together to create a sense of well-being. When the body is truly listened to, there is an unlimited potential for healing.

I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Together, we can create a personalized plan to restore balance and harmony to your life.

Matthew Stone

Matthew Stone

Licensed Acupuncturist

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